Richard Gowan

Richard Gowan coordinates the International Security Institutions program at the Center on International Cooperation, New York University. He is also the UN Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and an associate of the Foreign Policy Center (London).

An amoral perspective on the UN

David Bosco has an interesting post over at FP riffing on a Reuters piece about Ban Ki-moon's record at the UN. The Reuters article basically says that most...

Open City

Readers of this blog tend to be interested in things like transnational identities, the state of America and life in 21st century cities.  So here's some good...

Fidel Castro’s Obamania

Google "Fidel Castro", and you can find an amazing trove of pictures of him with some of the most famous world leaders of the last half-century like Pope John...

How we scooped the New Yorker

Back in June 2008, I wrote a chirpy but snooty post about the Putnam County News and Reporter, a very old-fashioned newspaper in upstate New York with...

Après l’Empire…

Last month, I wrote a brief piece over on the ECFR website about France's lack of leverage in the Ivorian crisis between Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara:...

Man up, Ban Ki-moon!

On 22 December, I published an op-ed over at World Politics Review (now behind a paywall, but also available for free via ECFR) about Ban Ki-moon's overloaded...

Very bad news for the UN…

A breaking story from the BBC: UN peacekeepers were the most likely source of the cholera epidemic sweeping Haiti, according to a leaked report by a French...

Another new blog to watch: ECFR

The European Council on Foreign Relations has a new blog.  I'll be contributing to it occasionally while maintaining my undying loyalty to Global Dashboard...

The UN building: full of bugs!

Bad news from the Globe and Mail! New York City’s bedbug epidemic has spread to yet another landmark in the city that never sleeps - the United Nations,...

A New Concert of Europe?

My colleagues at the European Council on Foreign Relations have just published a new report: The Spectre of a Multipolar Europe.  Lead authors Mark Leonard...

Is Wen Jiabao Spiderman?

Here's a slightly odd bit of news from Wednesday's testy EU-China summit: In a gentle jab, [European Commission President Jose Manuel] Barroso told [Chinese...

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Sea of Change: A New Wave of Activism in Bermuda

Sea of Change: A New Wave of Activism in Bermuda

This article is part of our Freedom and Justice Week series – as Global Dashboard provides a platform for a diversity of voices to explore how we respond to the wave of protests that followed the murder of George Floyd. Read all the articles in the series here....