Richard Gowan

Richard Gowan coordinates the International Security Institutions program at the Center on International Cooperation, New York University. He is also the UN Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and an associate of the Foreign Policy Center (London).

What’s the point of the G8?

It's G8-time again!  Sadly, not all the leaders who've turned up to recent G8 summits - like the guy on the right, seen at the Italian-hosted meeting in 2009...

The EU: “strategic suburbia”?

I'm flattered that David Miliband has quoted me in speech on Europe he gave in Poland.  The former Foreign Secretary believes that "America’s attention today...

Ban and Cathy: soulmates?

How did the EU and UN go from being run by these guys... their current leaders? Having written a fair bit about the UN's Ban Ki-moon and EU's Catherine...

Abidjan: the UN’s quagmire?

Peacekeeping-watchers are aflutter over the news that UN peacekeepers in Côte d'Ivoire have decided to take offensive actions against Laurent Gbagbo and his...

Ban Ki-moon 2.0?

A few weeks ago, David Bosco and I had a rapid-fire exchange (look here, here and here) over how Ban Ki-moon measures up to Kofi Annan as UN...

More from Global Dashboard

The Western Spring

The Western Spring

This article is part of our Freedom and Justice Week series – as Global Dashboard provides a platform for a diversity of voices to explore how we respond to the wave of protests that followed the murder of George Floyd. Read all the articles in the series here....

I’m black. I’m a peacebuilder. I want your help.

I’m black. I’m a peacebuilder. I want your help.

This article is part of our Freedom and Justice Week series – as Global Dashboard provides a platform for a diversity of voices to explore how we respond to the wave of protests that followed the murder of George Floyd. Read all the articles in the series here....