Richard Gowan

Richard Gowan coordinates the International Security Institutions program at the Center on International Cooperation, New York University. He is also the UN Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and an associate of the Foreign Policy Center (London).

Thank goodness for Martin Kettle

Further to my rant against the legion of poltroons who have made comments on Kosovo on the Guardian website, Martin Kettle has restored my faith that there's...

The cunning of the Kosovo Serbs

So, Kosovo is burning - but only a little.  While protestors in Belgrade grab headlines by attacking the U.S. embassy, a rather more subtle game seems to be...

John Bolton, funny ha ha

I've spent some of my President's Day holiday hammering out a review of Surrender is Not an Option, John Bolton's scaborous memoir of his tenure at the UN....


Late yesterday, I briefly speculated that the latest upsurge in violence in Chad is being stimulated by the prospect of the forthcoming EU deployment there....

EU: bring ’em on!

I'll have more to say on this soon, but the fact that the French EU deployment in Chad seems to be coinciding with, maybe even stimulating, an increase...


That is the number of people who voted for Fred Thompson in the Florida primary, in spite of the slightly inconvenient facts that (i) he had pulled out of the...

It’s all pointless

Kurt Andersen of New York nicely sums up the growing sense that the last nine months of American politics may actually have been a farrago of nonsense:...

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Four Pathways to Better Decisions

Four Pathways to Better Decisions

Policymakers today face impossible choices. They are working from models that send mixed signals and are fed by poor-quality data. Italy, which has the most advanced epidemic in Europe, does not know how many infections are undetected or deaths are unreported. Even...