Richard Gowan

Richard Gowan coordinates the International Security Institutions program at the Center on International Cooperation, New York University. He is also the UN Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and an associate of the Foreign Policy Center (London).

Brown in the US: the verdict

I had meant to write something wildly insightful about Gordon Brown's visit to the U.S. and his rather good speech at the Kennedy Library on world order - a...

Kosovo: how to get it wrong now

I'd dropped my plan to do weekly scorecards on events in Kosovo, not least because bigger and better-informed Balkan-watchers like ICG are on the case. But...

On to Somalia!

For over a year, one of the biggest questions among officials in UN-land has been: will the Security Council make us go to Somalia?  Back in November, I...

Free graves

The McClatchy Company is the third biggest newspaper owner in the U.S., but most of the papers it owns tend to be of the smaller, less internationally-known...

More from Global Dashboard

Local Week on Global Dashboard

Local Week on Global Dashboard

This article is part of our Local Week series, a collection of articles focusing on the challenges facing communities as they confront the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can find the other articles in the series on our Local Week page. It’s Local Week...

Enlisting Community Leaders to Overcome COVID-19 in Africa

Enlisting Community Leaders to Overcome COVID-19 in Africa

In my earlier post on tackling coronavirus in slums, I recommended that community leaders be enlisted and supported to lead the response. Local chiefs or councillors, religious leaders, traditional healers and other respected figures, I argued, “are best placed to...

Things We Now Have and Don’t Want to Lose

Things We Now Have and Don’t Want to Lose

COVID-19 has brought disruption, fear, suffering and grief everywhere, and especially for people who were already most vulnerable or marginalised. It has also shaken up so much of what we’re used to taking for granted across politics, policy, economics and public...