Richard Gowan

Richard Gowan coordinates the International Security Institutions program at the Center on International Cooperation, New York University. He is also the UN Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and an associate of the Foreign Policy Center (London).

Chad: triple word score!

Seasoned readers may recall that I got quite worked up about events in Chad a few weeks back when (depending on who you believe) Irish EU peacekeepers either...

A nuclear error

At the start of the month, I tried to write a wry and whimsical post about signs of scarcity in Putnam County, a beautiful bit of hill country north of New...

Kosovo: born on the 15th of June

Kosovo continues to limp, hop and stumble towards statehood.  Today, the UN hands over some policing and justice duties to the EU, in a deal hammered out by...

Scarcity in small town America

I was recently hiking in Putnam County, NY, a charming slice of hill country on the Hudson made famous by a musical about a Spelling Bee.  I picked up the...

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Learning From the Lockdown to Build Back Better

This article is part of our Local Week series, a collection of articles focusing on the challenges facing communities as they confront the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can find the other articles in the series on our Local Week page. During the...

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The Next Wave: COVID-19’s Hunger Crisis

This article is part of our Local Week series, a collection of articles focusing on the challenges facing communities as they confront the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can find the other articles in the series on our Local Week page. There is a lot...