Richard Gowan

Richard Gowan coordinates the International Security Institutions program at the Center on International Cooperation, New York University. He is also the UN Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and an associate of the Foreign Policy Center (London).

Death of a peace operation

So, farewell then the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE), born after the two countries ended a massive war in 2000 and gently put down by a sorrowful...

Under the weather

We overlooked last month's Annual Disaster Statistical Review, but the numbers speak for themselves: In 2007, 414 natural disasters were reported. They killed...

Hurrah! Karadzic arrested

Serbia has arrested Radovan Karadzic.  Just as it was starting to look like the hunt for the former Yugoslavia's worst was going to peter out unfulfilled (and...

Obama machines, past and present

People who like Global Dashboard also tend to like proposals to streamline foreign ministries and sort out national security systems.  Most probably rather...

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Respond and Renew: the Work of Local Trust

Respond and Renew: the Work of Local Trust

This article is part of our Local Week series, a collection of articles focusing on the challenges facing communities as they confront the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can find the other articles in the series on our Local Week page. Where you live...