Richard Gowan

Richard Gowan coordinates the International Security Institutions program at the Center on International Cooperation, New York University. He is also the UN Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and an associate of the Foreign Policy Center (London).

Stimulating news!

The Columbia Journalism Review surveys  local newspaper coverage of how the U.S. stimulus package is being spent: The Billings Gazette takes a look at a...

A global risk of a cocktail

It's summer and that means cocktails!  I've been searching  for a tipple that reflects the cosmopolitan character of Global Dashboard (excluding, of course,...

Can the EU play Battleships?

European security policy doesn't exactly inspire big new ideas every day. So hats off to James Rogers, who has a very big idea indeed: the EU has been...

How UN consultants get laid

Chris Blattman, a political scientist who moonlights as a UN consultant and blogger, is worried by the way international officials insist on flying business...

Oh, those crazy Russians

Living in the U.S., I had overlooked the fact that it's the week of the Eurovision Song Contest - being held, for the first time ever, in Russia.  A quick...

100 days of not Sarah Palin

Just think, if it had all gone a bit differently - well, a few million votes differently - we'd be celebrating 100 days of McCain/Palin.  As it is, the...

Rock of Steel!

Some good news from the UN in the DR Congo: The UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) said today that most of the objectives of its joint...

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Our COVID Future: The Long Crisis Scenarios

Created in partnership with: COVID-19 marks a turning point in the 21st century.? Levels of uncertainty are off the chart, making predictions impossible. ?But if we can create plausible stories about different futures, we create a...

Protecting our Critical Global Infrastructure

Protecting our Critical Global Infrastructure

Earlier this week, we published Shooting the Rapids – COVID-19 and the Long Crisis of Globalisation. In the final section, we present a plan for collective action at the global level with four elements:  Firefight better – getting the emergency response...