Richard Gowan

Richard Gowan coordinates the International Security Institutions program at the Center on International Cooperation, New York University. He is also the UN Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and an associate of the Foreign Policy Center (London).

Incompetent multilateralism?

The Economist's David Rennie asked a disturbing question last week: if Obama's America can't make soft power work, what hope does Europe have? His thesis is...

How not to tweet an obituary

I'm rather fond of David Miliband's blogging and twittering. But his initial tweet in response to the news of Michael Foot's death hit the wrong note: Michael...

Best reference book ever!

The fifth edition of the Center on International Cooperation's Annual Review of Global Peace Operations is out today.  Is it any good?  Let's ask an expert:...

Prefabricated multilateralism

I have a new paper out, published by FRIDE in Madrid, on the Obama administration's approach to multilateralism. It points out that - contrary to our pleas...

Red snippets

I don't like cell phones.  Never have, never will.  Reading this, I like them even less: You're not supposed to send dirty jokes by mobile phone in China, but...

Back to Realism

Transnational factors and threats should make state-centric approaches fall apart, in theory – but in practice, today’s statesment seem extraordinarily adept at sticking with “national interest”-based thinking.

The UN: sending laziness viral

"Meandering" is an excellent new-ish blog on peacekeeping and its discontents by Ed Rees, who works for the Peace Dividend Trust.  Ed recently asked readers...

Afghans: cheerier than Americans

Some unexpected data comes in from the BBC: Of more than 1,500 Afghans questioned, 70% said they believed Afghanistan was going in the right direction - a big...

Nauru: cut the crap!

A tragic tale from the Khaleej Times of the UAE: At long last there is a foreign minister on the international scene with ice-cold blood in his veins and an...

Obama Speaks (in numbers)!

So, we have the speech on Afghanistan.  The official text was, according to my computer, about 4,600 words. How many times did certain words appear?...

Wall Street ready for war

From Bloomberg... “I just wrote my first reference for a gun permit,” said a friend, who told me of swearing to the good character of a Goldman Sachs Group...

Wham! Ban (Ki-moon)! I Am A Man!

From the UN, news of another respectable initiative with a rubbish name... Network of Men Leaders The engagement of men and boys is integral to achieving an...

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