Richard Gowan

Richard Gowan coordinates the International Security Institutions program at the Center on International Cooperation, New York University. He is also the UN Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and an associate of the Foreign Policy Center (London).

India’s helicopter headaches

Earlier this week, I noted that India had decided to withdraw its military helicopters from the UN missions in the DR Congo and Sudan, and suggested this...

Think-tank life: the video

What is life like inside a hot-shot New York think-tank?  What does it really feel like to, say, pick up a phone and talk to the answering machine of a...

Austere peacekeeping

It's been a rough couple of weeks for UN peacekeeping, with (i) the fall-out of the DRC mass rape story; (ii) Rwanda's threat to pull troops out of Darfur in...

The UN needs better codenames

In April 2009, I noted that UN forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo mounted an anti-rebel operation codenamed "Rock of Steel". This week, after mass...

Rum, sodomy and the budget

In the 1950s, British naval strategists briefly adopted the notion of "broken-backed" warfare, by which they meant fighting on after an atomic strike on the...

Iran vs. Thunderbirds

Iran has just revealed its first "bomber drone": While this is obviously rather annoying, I can't help noticing the resemblance between this machine and...

Darfur: total strategic meltdown

The Cable reports tensions - and maybe personnel changes - in Washington: President Obama's special envoy to Sudan, retired Maj. Gen. Scott Gration, could be...

Peacekeeping: fun for all ages!

How do you get your kids out of baby blue bonnets and into manly blue helmets?  Send them to summer camp in Harrietsville, Ontario, that's how: The rope...

The EU-Team

What do the four people above have to learn from the four below? I pity the fool that does not find out the answer here (OK, it's just a link to another...

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