Charlie Edwards

Charlie Edwards is Director of National Security and Resilience Studies at the Royal United Services Institute. Prior to RUSI he was a Research Leader at the RAND Corporation focusing on Defence and Security where he conducted research and analysis on a broad range of subject areas including: the evaluation and implementation of counter-violent extremism programmes in Europe and Africa, UK cyber strategy, European emergency management, and the role of the internet in the process of radicalisation. He has undertaken fieldwork in Iraq, Somalia, and the wider Horn of Africa region.

Axis of Oil

Last week Fox News interviewed CIA Director Michael Hayden on which countries the next US administration should focus their attention on. In summary: North...

Brown’s reshuffle

News is dripping in that Peter Mandelson will return to the Cabinet for a third time. Des Browne has been replaced by John Hutton as Secretary of State for...

Friday’s mid morning map

Just spotted the following map in The Atlantic . From The Atlantic Riots and protests over food prices have broken out in 30 countries since 2007. Haiti’s...

Vulnerable to attack

The Hollowmen are back with a close-to-the-bone episode on terrorism. This is 27 minutes and 46 seconds of brilliance, there never has been a more important...

A Ha, me hearties!

I know what you're thinking. What are pirates going to do with 30 Russian T72 tanks? Not much probably but the rest of the cargo, a mixture of RPGs and the...

Stockwell photo

As reported elsewhere: Jurors have retraced the final steps of Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes, including visiting the Tube station where he was shot dead...

Monday’s list

Picture the scene:  It's Labour Party Conference 2008, Geoff Hoon is busy in interviews saying the Cabinet is totally united. While James Purnell argues that...

Chuck Norris fact #09

LARRY KING: The question about the money spent on Iraq was a fair question, Chuck. Isn't that a lot of money? CHUCK NORRIS: ... we can debate the question of...

9/11 Anniversary

In the run up to tomorrow's anniversary (the wikipedia article on 9/11 is locked because of a high risk of vandalism) here are some interesting reports and...

Hurricane Gustav

Hurricane Gustav has already swept through Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. After Cuba, its projected path will take it over the Gulf of Mexico,...

Global Vulnerability

The new report on Humanitarian Implications of Climate Change: Mapping emerging trends and risk hotspots, which was carried out by CARE International, the UN...

Team Miliband

The gossip-laden public affairs magazine Pr Week, which caught our attention some months ago, is back with a focus on Miliband. One article leads with news...

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Freedom and Justice Week Magazine

Freedom and Justice Week Magazine

This article is part of our Freedom and Justice Week series – as Global Dashboard provides a platform for a diversity of voices to explore how we respond to the wave of protests that followed the murder of George Floyd. Read all the articles in the series here....

Freedom and Justice Week Round Up

Freedom and Justice Week Round Up

This article is part of our Freedom and Justice Week series – as Global Dashboard provides a platform for a diversity of voices to explore how we respond to the wave of protests that followed the murder of George Floyd. Read all the articles in the series here....

The Privilege in Protesting Police Brutality

The Privilege in Protesting Police Brutality

This article is part of our Freedom and Justice Week series – as Global Dashboard provides a platform for a diversity of voices to explore how we respond to the wave of protests that followed the murder of George Floyd. Read all the articles in the series here....