At the Chatham House seminar a couple of weeks ago on David and my paper on how the UK organises for influence - part of the Institute's program on rethinking...

Alex Evans
Dong… dong…
Ask not for whom the bell tolls: it tolls for the UK, as Jennifer Hughes has it... A UK newspaper is said to have once run the headline “Fog over Channel,...
Forget the G2
Yale's Jeffrey Garten thinks America needs to face up to a key fact: it doesn't have the leverage to deal with China on its own. So, he says, it needs to...
Only Romania has fewer European Commission staff per capita than Britain
If you're a Brit working in or around the UN, you'll be familiar with the fact that your nationality doesn't exactly help you when it comes to applying for UN...
Overton Windows, and why you should be worried about them
Right, hands up if you know what an Overton Window is. No? According to Wikipedia: The Overton window is a concept in political theory, named after its...
How to get coverage for your protest: dress up like Avatar
The Solitary Life of Cranes
The World Bank’s 2011 World Development Report
Blogs hosted by large institutions can often be a bit hit-and-miss, but the World Bank's blog on conflict and development is an exception to the rule. The...
Transboundary water: your cut-out-and-keep guide
And so to a veritable treasure chest for scarcity nerds everywhere: the Atlas of International Freshwater Agreements, brought to you by Oregon State...
IPCC – it was the bloggers wot done it
While we're on the subject of the IPCC, this Spectator piece by Matt Ridley, which flags up the role of bloggers in all this, is worth a look (h/t Clive Crook...
The death of the IPCC?
That's what Clive Crook thinks we may be looking at, as he explains in a post on A turning point has been reached when in the space of a few days the...
Why have embassies? Why not just use a PR firm?
I tried asking that to roomful of Foreign Office diplomats yesterday, at a Chatham House seminar (part of the Institute's program on Redefining the UK's...
And the big winner of the downturn is…
USA Today this morning: The recession has battered the U.S. economy, but the lobbying industry is humming along in the nation's capital, even for companies...
‘Only a tiny handful of writers even noticed the collapse of Rome’
John Michael Greer has just posted the latest instalment in a series of essays on collapsonomics over at the Archdruid Report - here's a sample. I don't agree...
What happens after an earthquake
Duncan Green has been perusing ALNAP's report on lessons from past experiences of the aftermath of earthquakes, and has summarised some of the key findings. ...
Carne Ross on how the Chilcot Inquiry blew it with Blair
Charlie Brooker explains the news
Our Brookings report in The Economist
Our new Brookings report Confronting the Long Crisis of Globalization (blog post here; full pdf here) is covered in an article in tomorrow's Economist (on the...
Q: what’s worse than being rescued than the IMF? A: China refusing to rescue you
Poor old Europe: it just goes from bad to worse. Already sore from being brutally sidelined during the Copenhagen summit last year, it now faces this addition...
Confronting the Long Crisis of Globalization
Brookings Institution report by Alex Evans, Bruce Jones and David Steven on how globalisation could fail – or be made more resilient. Published to coincide with the 40th anniversary World Economic Forum in Davos.
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