Owen Barder has a suggestion for a question that someone ought to ask in tonight's leaders debate: We understand that all the main parties are committed to...

Alex Evans
“Joyous disbelief” in Brussels over Nick Clegg’s rise
Tony Barber in Brussels: Viewed from Brussels, the rise of Nick Clegg and his Liberal Democrats in Britain’s election campaign is a fantasy come true. For...
The leaders’ foreign policy debate gets interesting
What a fascinating occasion this Thursday's election debate between the three party leaders on foreign policy promises to be. No-one expected foreign policy...
Then and Now
"I can only say that I am deeply sorry that our management – starting with me – was not more prescient and that we did not foresee what lay before us." -...
A pixellated world
Africa’s growth rates
Engrossing graph encountered while researching the effect of Chinese investment in Africa (click on it for the full size version): From the excellent World...
Ripple effects on camera
This image shows NOAA modelling of the tsunami that followed Chile's earthquake - which proved to be highly accurate. Yale Environment 360 explains how to...
Scarcity issues arrive in the world of Icanhascheezburger
(H/t Icanhascheezburger's sister site, Ihasahotdog.com.)
How British government worked on 9/11
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ8OYtQjoL8[/youtube] Among the many, many gems in Andrew Rawnsley's gripping new book on Labour's last two terms of...
The battle for India’s climate policy
While we're on the subject of comings and goings on India's climate team, worth noting that the Indian press is full of talk of an epic fallout between...
BASIC puts forward its candidate to replace Yvo de Boer at UNFCCC
A small but potentially rather significant exchange in the UN Secretary-General's spokesman's press briefing on Thursday last week: Question: India has said...
Better late than never
Leaders should therefore commission an independent review of the IPCC’s integrity, auditing the executions of its mandate to provide a comprehensive,...
Taiwan’s take on Gordon (FF to 35 seconds in; h/t Dizzy Thinks)
How intelligence clearance turns you into a moron
Daniel Ellsberg, in 1968, speaking to Henry Kissinger, who was just entering government for the first time: "Henry, there's something I would like to tell...
Tangerinegate (alas, the story isn’t true)
The UN’s impending reshuffle
Last week I noted that Britain now has fewer European Commission staffers per capita than any other member state apart from Romania. Now that the news of...
If Jesus were running for office…
H/t Chuck Currie.
The Tea Party movement is stupid: it’s official
Ali Rizvi has a delicious piece in the Huffington Post, containing such delights as this: What was until recently a difference in ideology has devolved, in a...
Finally, the answer to Kissinger’s question
Proving again why he should be on everyone's must-read list of foreign policy blogs, the Economist's Charlemagne has news of even more clamouring from...
“I’m in control”
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Ideas for Tackling COVID-19 in the Short-Term
Already, our contributors to the newly relaunched Global Dashboard are churning out new ideas for tackling the coronavirus pandemic in the short-term. In a piece first published in World Politics Review, I – having been on lockdown in Italy for three weeks –...
Planning for the World After the Coronavirus Pandemic
In an article written for the World Politics Review, Global Dashboard authors David Steven and Alex Evans call for a coordinated global action plan in response to the coronavirus pandemic in which governments, businesses, and individuals collectively create the...
Fragility and Pandemics: Finding the right equation to steer action
Over 600 years ago, Ambrogio Lorenzetti painted a series of six frescos in the City of Siena, Italy. The “Allegory of Good and Bad Government” aimed to serve as a warning of the dangers of corruption and misrule. Whereas the ‘good government’ images depict people...