Tht's pretty much the gist of a US Supreme Court ruling last month, according to the 3D Security Initiative, who say the Court upheld a contentious US...

Alex Evans
Is the post-9/11 moment on military intervention now over?
Just by way of kite-flying, here's a hypothesis I tried out this morning at a seminar that Chatham House hosted for the US National Intelligence Council:...
Carne Ross on the Chilcot Inquiry
Carne Ross - who now runs Independent Diplomat, but who used to be a Foreign Office diplomat based at the UK Mission to the UN until he resigned in protest at...
Why Britain needs a National Intelligence Council
Britain's new National Security Council is built along much the same lines as its counterpart on the other side of the Atlantic - but if we're copying the...
100% of Global Dashboard editors called Alex think Frank Luntz is an idiot
Lest any GD readers are labouring under the misapprehension that Frank Luntz is actually a serious pollster (unlikely, I know), feast your eyes on this...
On virtual worlds
About a quarter of a billion people spend time every week inside some kind of virtual world (like World of Warcraft, or Second Life, or IMVU). That's one of...
Cardboard warfare is hell
Hope in a Changing Climate
Are collapsitarians socially inadequate?
Poor old collapsitarians. It’s bad enough spending your days convinced that you’re one among a small band of Cassandras burdened with the foresight to see...
Whatever happened to interdependence?
A battle is shaping up between advocates of a morally based foreign policy and cheerleaders for ‘the national interest’. But how come no-one talks about interdependence anymore?
“Every year they voted to be kept in the dark”
Hard to argue with this one from Monbiot: Call me a hard-hearted bastard, but I'm finding it difficult to summon up the sympathy demanded by the institutional...
When the art of the possible won’t cut it
So we should deal with Copenhagen’s failure by embracing bottom-up voluntary action and switching to a more upbeat narrative of green collar jobs and green new deals? I’m not buying.
Dinosaur alert
Over at Guido Fawkes... Word reaches Guido that a certain new MP is ruffling a few old guard feathers with his arrogance and brutal determination to climb the...
OECD / FAO food outlook – a lot worse than this time last year
This year's OECD / FAO agricutural outlook, which looks ahead over the period from 2010 to 2019 (news release; summary), didn't get terribly extensive...
Obama’s Oval Office address
Mark Malloch Brown on WEF’s Global Redesign Initiative
Turning point on Deepwater Horizon?
Later today, Barack Obama will give his first televised address from the Oval Office. He didn’t do this on healthcare reform, and he hasn’t done it on the...
Irony overload!
American anti-Muslim wingnuts are, needless to say, having a field day over plans to build a mosque and community centre two block away from Ground Zero. But...
Public opinion and climate change
One of the many strands of discussion at a Ditchley Foundation conference on climate change last week was the vexed question of how public opinion shapes the...
What will peak oil mean for foreign policy?
What do countries do when they run out of oil? That's the question posed by Oxford University's Joerg Friedrich in a fortcoming journal piece in Energy...
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Justice for All and the Public Health Emergency
Last year, our Justice for All report noted that 1.5 billion people had a justice problem they could not resolve. Now, as we gear up to face a global pandemic, those already poorly served by justice systems are facing some of the greatest risks. Justice systems are...
Building Trust, Confidence and Collective Action in the Age of COVID-19
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