And while you're doing that, why not also subscribe to Off the Grid News, a free weekly newsletter that will tool you up with information on such cheerful...

Alex Evans
HM Treasury: time for a purge
Bravo to Philip Stephens for telling it like it is on HM Treasury in yesterday's FT: The inflationary bust of the early 1990s shredded the Treasury’s...
Future activism
Prepare for some downbeat news: People in the UK understand and relate to global poverty no differently now than they did in the 1980s. This is the case...
The Daily Mail: an all-time best?
The Daily Mail is so cheerfully and consistently hypocritical that most of the time it just feels like too much bother to pick them up on it. But every now...
Development’s next decade
Report by Alex Evans for ActionAid’s International Strategy 2012-2016, identifying eight critical uncertainties for development over the next decade, and ten recommendations for ActionAid as a global campaigning organisation.
Position vacant
As Mother Jones says, "You should, like, strongly consider applying to work for this guy:" We want to add some talent to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune...
La coopération militaire avec la France: your cut-out-and-keep guide
“As we got closer and closer to closing the deal at Nato, France suddenly blocked everything, which confused us at first … But then it became clear – Sarkozy...
Is there a Plan?
Foreign Policy scooped the US broadsheet press by a day over the weekend with its breakdown of what persuaded President Obama to undertake his volte face on...
Physician, heal thyself
Not much austerity in evidence at the IMF: The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have pushed ahead with pay raises above the rate of inflation...
Battle-proof wind farms
So with simultaneous crises underway on both nuclear (meltdown risk at six reactors) and oil (spiking at $115), you may be wondering what other options are...
What the oil spike means for development
ODI have some new research out this week on this, looking at the potential impacts of a one third increase in oil prices over the next two years (which they...
Chew on that, locavores
This Report rejects food self-sufficiency as a viable option for nations to contribute to global food security, but stresses the importance of crafting food...
What Fukushima means for energy policy
The earthquake and tsunami in Japan have important implications for energy policy - partly, of course for nuclear, but also for oil, gas and coal too. Three...
Maybe if we just make stuff up about climate change instead?
From the Boston Globe: In a series of studies in 2005 and 2006, researchers at the University of Michigan found that when misinformed people, particularly...
Just very quickly – how on earth d’you sleep at night?
Monogrammed initials on your shirts are so entry level
So says Hosni Mubarak (h/t Business Insider).
Food, Libya’s rebels and humanitarian space
Chris Albon has an excellent post over at The Atlantic, which has this to say: Warfare has changed much since Napoleon's Grande Armée marched across Europe,...
Should corporations have First Amendment rights?
How to make a successful transition from autocracy to democracy
International Crisis Group's deputy president Nick Grono made an excellent speech recently on 'challenges for conflict prevention and resolution over the next...
OK, this is slightly off topic. But hey.
More from Global Dashboard
Justice Leadership in a Pandemic: Read the Call to Action in Four Languages
Last month, we released a call to action by members of the Justice Leadership Group – a call for justice leaders to step up, work collaboratively, and put people-centred justice at the heart of their response to the COVID-19 crisis. Now, we’re pleased to announce that...
The Debts We Now Owe Each Other – and How to Pay Them Back
As each day passes, coronavirus tells us even more about who we are as a society. Much of what we’ve learned wasn’t exactly secret before the pandemic, but it’s a lot more obvious now. Inequalities in health, security and resilience are now visible to all, as are...
Long-Term Solutions to Food Crises: Building Credit Institutions That Can Finance Agriculture Value Chains
Key points: Reorient the discussion from 'development' to 'risk' Emphasise the importance of locally owned institutions such as community banks Adapt credit models and delivery channels The World Food Programme has predicted that the coronavirus pandemic...