Talking to a senior Middle East expert a few weeks back, I was struck by his blunt assessment that after the UN General Assembly vote on Palestinian statehood...

Alex Evans
Why is there only one MDG on education but three on health?
Did you ever wonder why it should be that there's only one Millennium Development Goal on education, but no fewer than three on health (specifically, on child...
Does the IEA’s release of emergency oil stocks make sense?
Javier Blas is interesting this morning on why the International Energy Agency took its surprise decision yesterday to release emergency oil stocks - only the...
Why closer union can’t save the Eurozone
Gideon Rachman's FT column today is an absolute must-read for anyone interested in the outlook for the Eurozone. Right now, the conventional wisdom is that...
How not to tell a joke to the Dalai Lama
How should Europe play the Kyoto question at the Durban climate summit?
Poor old Europe. Once upon a time it led the global charge on climate change - but these days, it looks rather isolated, what with its public humiliation at...
Conan O’Brien delivers the Dartmouth College 2011 commencement address
Are ANY multilateral organisations based in emerging economies?
I found myself wondering today, as you do, whether I could think of any multilateral organisations based in emerging economies. I scratched my head for a long...
What sausages have to teach climate campaigners
What have sausages got to do with climate change (and no, this isn't about methane emissions from livestock)? For the answer, see Sizzle - the new report on...
This week’s CDM project: shooting camels from helicopters
I've seen some pretty bizarre ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in my time, but this must set some sort of record: Australia is considering awarding...
Making Rio 2012 Work: Setting the stage for global economic, social and ecological renewal
The Rio 2012 sustainable development summit is at risk of being the latest in a long line of damp squibs on environmental multilateralism – but could still make real progress, if it focuses on greening growth and building resilience to shocks and stresses, and above all faces up to the issues of fair shares that arise in a world of limits.
New CIC paper on the Rio 2012 summit
The Rio 2012 sustainable development summit is at risk of being the latest in a long line of damp squibs on environmental multilateralism – but could still make real progress, if it focuses on greening growth and building resilience to shocks and stresses, and above all faces up to the issues of fair shares that arise in a world of limits.
Why Oxfam’s new Grow campaign is a big deal
Oxfam has just launched its new Grow campaign on food justice in a resource-constrained world. I've had the chance to see this campaign being put together...
Governance for a Resilient Food System
How national and international governance systems need to be reconfigured to meet the challenges of food security in a world of tighter supply and demand balances and increasing volatility. Report for Oxfam’s new Grow campaign by Alex Evans. (May 2011)
Separated at birth?
H/t the Village Voice, via Vinay Gupta.
Liam Fox’s leaked letter
Here in the UK, there's a big media hoo-ha underway about a leaked letter from Defence Secretary Liam Fox to the Prime Minister about the UK's foreign aid...
The most dangerous idea in the world
[youtube][/youtube] Have a look at this 2 minute video about bitcoins, a new peer-to-peer online currency. Seems...
Down with the cuts! Make Britain great again!
With consular emergencies underway in multiple countries, the eurozone falling apart, climate change gathering pace and a military intervention underway in...
The G20 gets interesting on biofuels and food security
This year's French-chaired G20 has food security as one of its key priorities. Agriculture ministers will be meeting for a summit in mid-June, and their...
Five theories of change on global climate politics
With no prospect of a serious global climate deal any time soon, what's likely to be the main driver of change on climate politics? I think there are...
More from Global Dashboard
Four Scenarios and a Future for Communities
This article is part of our Scenarios Week series, exploring and expanding on the Long Crisis Scenarios. You can find the other articles in the series on our Scenarios Week page. In this piece, Local Trust’s director of partnerships, James Goodman, looks at...
Scenarios Week on Global Dashboard
This article is part of our Scenarios Week series, exploring and expanding on the Long Crisis Scenarios. You can find the other articles in the series on our Scenarios Week page. Just over a week ago, we published our latest work as the Long Crisis Network: the...
Putting the Most Marginalised at the Centre: Lessons for the COVID-19 Response from the HIV Epidemic
In the early days of the HIV epidemic, there were a few simple messages to help save lives: abstain from sex, have only one sexual partner, use a condom. Sounds simple, right? But despite huge awareness raising and education programmes, the epidemic...