Mark Lynas’s new book The God Species is a must-read for environmentalists

Alex Evans
Jobless growth: is China next?
An interesting weak signal from Beijing: Foxconn, the world’s largest contract electronics manufacturer by revenue, plans to increase the use of robots in its...
Huge US cuts to US State Dept and foreign aid budgets on the way
Details from Josh Rogin at Foreign Policy: The House Appropriations State and Foreign Ops subcommittee, led by Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX), unveiled its fiscal...
Brits think resource scarcity is a bigger deal than climate or development – survey
Chatham House and YouGov published their annual survey of British attitudes on UK international priorities last week, and it's worth a look. The survey covers...
Obama’s frustration starts to show
Quote of the week
"I always hire people who absolutely want my job. Not just in a 'that would be nice to have her job' way but in an absolute 'I can do better than her'...
UN Security Council “pathetic” on climate change – US Ambassador
US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, speaking in a Security Council session on climate change that took place yesterday: In this Council we have discussed many...
Andy Coulson’s security clearance
Media attention is focusing this morning on the question of why Andy Coulson didn't go through "Developed Vetting" security clearance - an in-depth background...
Resource Scarcity, Fair Shares and Development
Why resource scarcity will be a game changer for global justice agendas, and what aid donors, NGOs and other development opinion formers need to do about it. WWF / Oxfam report by Alex Evans.
Fair shares in a world of limits: the new front line for development
Thoughts after from a joint WWF / Oxfam seminar on resource scarcity, fair shares and development.
“He will say things people should not say in public” (or not, as the case may be – updated)
Looking forward to Rupert Murdoch's Select Committee appearance tomorrow? This quote from his biographer Michael Wolff, speaking today to ITV (and transcribed...
Global hub fail
OK, that's it. We are officially no longer a serious country: The prime minister, who found out that Stephenson was resigning just over an hour into his...
Hunger in the US
Lest you thought that surging food prices were only an issue for low income countries and people living on less than a dollar a day, this week's Economist...
Jetpack fail
News of the World? Tick. Fox News…?
While we Brits have been enjoying this week's takedown of the Murdoch imperium's UK satrapy, yesterday's edition of Popbitch offered up an even more...
So. Farewell, then, News of the World.
As we bid goodbye to the News of the Screws, it seems an appropriate moment to dust off this cherished vignette of tabloid life (admittedly, from the Mirror...
Spontaneity fail
What the ‘powershift’ narrative overlooks on US-China relations
The ‘powershift’ narrative about US-China relations obscures how much they have in common: unsustainable growth paths, shaky financial sectors, political sclerosis, massive inequality, reliance on imported resources and above all their status as the two principal obstacles to collective action on shared global risks.
How to deal with petty theft a la Big Society
H/t Microdave.
So what exactly was the point of the IEA’s emergency stocks release?
Oil prices rallied more than $3 a barrel on Wednesday, recovering all the losses triggered by last week’s decision by rich consuming nations to release...
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Winning Ugly: Five Lessons From Managing a School Shutdown
On 28 February, Lebanon confirmed its fourth case of COVID-19, closing all schools with immediate effect on the same day. Fadi Yarak, the Director General of Education in the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), shares some lessons...