Think you have a tough job? Then you haven't thought about the confusing lives that defence planners lead... 1900 If you are a strategic analyst for the...

Alex Evans
Miss Representation – trailer
A moment of perfect cognitive dissonance
Earlier today, I was reading the transcript of an interview that my brother (GD contributor Jules Evans) conducted earlier this year with Apollo 14 astronaut...
“In the event of moon disaster…”
To: H. R. Haldeman From: Bill Safire In the event of moon disaster Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the...
The Chinese government: paranoid, or hanging by a thread?
China is not Egypt, Libya or Tunisia. As the Pew Global Attitudes project noted in March this year, only 28% of Egyptians were then 'satisfied' with their...
Our unspoken bet on climate change: we’re going to wing it, and to hell with the poor (and our kids)
Simon Kuper in this weekend's FT Magazine about where the state of the climate change debate now stands: When someone offered me a trip to India, I said,...
Highbrow analysis on Sky News
Has the green jobs argument been lost?
With Obama about to attempt to get back on the front foot with a major speech on jobs to both houses of Congress on Thursday, it's dispiriting to see the...
Is it time for Sustainable Development Goals?
The pros and cons of a new global set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – and how they might work in practice
Not waving but clowning
What on earth was with this painfully cringeworthy waving at the Seoul G20? Heavens above - this is supposed to be a summit, not a school outing. If you look...
The crises of capitalism
The European crisis in 3 minutes
Jeff Sachs on how OECD countries can get their act together
Jeff Sachs in the FT on how OECD countries could finally get their acts together: An improved fiscal policy in the transatlantic economies would therefore be...
The perfect global governance metaphor
Never mind deckchairs on the Titanic. Vinay Gupta (find him here on Twitter) has come up with the perfect metaphor to describe governance breakdown in the...
Meet the Republican front runner
Quote of the month
Philip Zelikow nails it in the FT: In the past foreign policy mainly consisted of adjusting relations between states – what they will do with or to each...
Foreign aid policy a la Heritage Foundation
Lest you think international development faces a tough political context here in the UK, let's pause for a moment to check in on the latest thinking on...
Five must-reads on the London riots
James Meek recalls a recent stroll down Hackney's Broadway Market, and what it said about London, on the LRB blog yesterday: As Ghaith and I walked down the...
Flash mob vs flash mob
Lots of commentary on the media about how London rioters are using social media to coordinate their movements. But the converse holds, too: here's a snap of...
Time-lapse footage of Tottenham’s skyline during the riots
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Towards More Equal and Resilient Cities Post-COVID-19
This article is part of our Scenarios Week series, exploring and expanding on the Long Crisis Scenarios. You can find the other articles in the series on our Scenarios Week page. “Futures not achieved are only branches of the past: dead branches.” Italo...
The Fall of the Big Men
This article is part of our Scenarios Week series, exploring and expanding on the Long Crisis Scenarios. You can find the other articles in the series on our Scenarios Week page. Like so many, I’ve spent three years wondering how Donald Trump won the...
After COVID, Where Will We Be?
This article is part of our Scenarios Week series, exploring and expanding on the Long Crisis Scenarios. You can find the other articles in the series on our Scenarios Week page. Yesterday afternoon, representatives from the Long Crisis Network, Local Trust,...