Alex Evans

Alex Evans is founder of Larger Us, which explores how we can use psychology to reduce political tribalism and polarisation, a senior fellow at New York University, and author of The Myth Gap: What Happens When Evidence and Arguments Aren’t Enough? (Penguin, 2017). He is a former Campaign Director of the 50 million member global citizen’s movement Avaaz, special adviser to two UK Cabinet Ministers, climate expert in the UN Secretary-General’s office, and was Research Director for the Business Commission on Sustainable Development. Alex lives with his wife and two children in Yorkshire.



The perils of Googles Images…

Pity whichever hapless BBC researcher was in a hurry to find a background image for a report on the UN Security Council today and instead managed to post...

Latest data on emissions

2 sets of new emissions data out yesterday. First, the overview, courtesy of the Worldwatch Institute's new Vital Signs Online project: Although global...

Occupational hazards

Quote 1: We do not make demands from governments ... or parliament members, which some of us see as illegitimate, unaccountable or corrupt. Quote 2: We demand...


Armed with their billions, these NGOs have waded into the world, turning potential revolutionaries into salaried activists, funding artists, intellectuals and...

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