“These diplomats are absolute scum.”

by | Sep 24, 2010

The New York Post has by far the best story of UN week in NYC:

New York cops found themselves in the middle of an international incident Thursday night after members of the Sudanese UN delegation balked at going through metal detectors at an East Side hotel.

The dust-up started when the Sudanese diplomats, invited to a party by members of the UN Iranian delegation after yesterday’s General Assembly, showed up at the nearby Tudor Hotel, NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly said today.

“There was a bit of a dispute … there was some pushing and shoving and some resistance on the part of the Sudanese and members of their delegation to go through the magnetometer,” Kelly said.

Kelly said the party area became “overcrowded” — and that a detective from the NYPD intelligence unit hurt his thumb after being “involved in a scuffle.'”

“Eventually,” he said, the Sudanese agreed to go through the metal detector.

One person was taken into custody — but released when it was determined he had diplomatic status.

Check out the comments from irate New Yorkers on Post website too. Sample: “these diplomats are absolute scum.”  Aw shucks, can’t the Axis of Evil party now and then?


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