Over at Guido Fawkes…
Word reaches Guido that a certain new MP is ruffling a few old guard feathers with his arrogance and brutal determination to climb the ladder. Despite barely having an office and working phone Penrith’s Rory Stewart, the Conservative’s self-proclaimed bright star and Afghan rambler, is lobbying his colleagues hard for a spot on the Foreign Affairs Select Committee.
Though he failed to mention the time he spent as a Labour Party member, he has bullet pointed his “career highlights” in a letter that has been snorted at by some old timers. “It’s highly unusual for a freshman MP to be seeking a spot on such a powerful committee. But then again, Rory Stewart is a highly unusual little man” one told Guido after lunch…
Right, perish the thought that an FAC member should be selected on the basis of actually knowing something about foreign policy. Of course it should be time spent on the backbenches, rather than in Iraq or Afghanistan, that qualifies you.