We’re not exactly fans of SOCA – the Serious Organised Crime Agency – around here. But our generally downbeat opinion of them has hit a new low now that we’ve seen the results of their new branding exercise:
Okaaaay. Clearly SOCA’s comms team have been watching way more episodes of 24 than is generally considered wise or healthy. And still getting it wrong – Jack Bauer would never be associated with a logo this naff. This is more like something off a straight to DVD movie that you find yourself watching at 2am on Bravo.
And it gets worse. As if the font in the logo weren’t bad enough, they’ve gone and put it on their uniforms.
God help us all. The man looks like an extra from Stargate SG-1. One wonders: is his face is blurred out because he’s a highly trained ex-special forces marksman? Or is it because his kids couldn’t hack the teasing st school any more?
And there’s another issue here. That jaguar logo is just a little bit familiar, isn’t it?
Look, lads – intellectual property infringement is a crime. And doing it on the internet is banned under the Digital Economy Act.
We can only hope that the man with the blurry face and the naff hat will be helping himself with inquiries in the near future. Meantime – someone needs to take their ISP to the cleaners.