More interesting post-election goings on in Australia. Since April, a Stern-esque Review of climate change has been underway, headed by Professor Ross...
Angela Merkel proposes contraction and convergence
Here’s the chapter and verse from the German Chancellery website: According to Merkel’s proposal, CO2 emissions would be measured per capita. The maximum COs...
Is Brown getting behind Merkel on a convergence-based climate policy?
Interesting to see this little nugget included in the UK / Indian communique resulting from Gordon Brown's talks with Manmohan Singh: Long-term convergence...
A high ambition coalition of the willing on climate change
Could a high ambition coalition of the willing on climate change get going with defining a global carbon budget and taking on their shares to it, while leaving the door open for other governments to join at a later date? Owen Bader, Alice Lepissier, and Alex Evans think so – and have developed a detailed quant model to show how it could work and what the decarbonisation costs and emissions trading revenue flows might be.
A reply to Jeff Sachs and Johan Rockstrom on fair shares and planetary boundaries
Dear Jeff Sachs, Johan Rockstrom, Marcus Ohman and Guido Schmidt-Traub, I'm a long-standing admirer of your work, especially Johan's pioneering research on...
The battle for India’s climate policy
While we're on the subject of comings and goings on India's climate team, worth noting that the Indian press is full of talk of an epic fallout between...
The best news on climate change for months. Maybe.
Bono endorses contraction and convergence – potentially kicking off a major (and long overdue) strategic rethink on climate change among NGOs and civil society
World Bank vs UNCTAD
Excerpt from the World Bank's just-published World Development Report 2010 (which this year takes climate change as its theme - overview pdf): Enshrining a...
What’s happening in Poznan
Relatively little media coverage so far on the UN climate talks currently underway in Poznan - but that's not to say that nothing interesting is happening...
What happened to the anti-globalisation movement?
Amid the general surfeit of apocalyptic language being used about the solvency crunch, climate change, oil prices and various other dark sides of...
Citizen Gore
Michael Tomasky has a thoughtful piece about Al Gore in the current New York Review of Books. He doesn't reckon there's much prospect of Gore running: When...
More from Global Dashboard
Let’s make climate a culture war!
If the politics of climate change end up polarised, is that so bad? No – it’s disastrous. Or so I’ve long thought. Look at the US – where climate is even more polarised than abortion. Result: decades of flip flopping. Ambition under Clinton; reversal...
Big Elephants and Small Islands: getting beyond the New Aid Orthodoxy
Official development assistance (ODA) – or aid – is a small but conspicuous pillar of the international order, and its frailties are being exposed by COVID as surely as those of the other foundations of this order. The assumptions underpinning aid and its management...
Uncertainty and Humanitarian Action: What Donald Rumsfeld can teach us
Since its onset, one striking feature of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has been the narrative power of its novelty. This global narrative depicts COVID-19 pushing humanity towards a ‘historical divide’ of BC and AC (before and after COVID-19), where unknown,...